Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 2 2010 ? MV Explorer

So today has been kind of a crazy day.  I didn’t fall asleep until like… 0330 at night, just because I was reading for class today and writing my blog and everything.  I’m really trying hard to keep up my work so I can just screw around in port.  So I was totally exhausted, and got up at 0730 to basically run to my class after scarfing down some French toast.  We discussed how in Mayan culture, the polygyny structure was actually really beneficial financially for both a man and his wives, and that a “concubine” (secondary wife) was actually a very respected position, as it meant that you were not a sexual serviceperson but an artist who created textiles.  When the Spanish came it destroyed this culture and put all these extremely esteemed women out on the streets.  It was really interesting viewing polygyny from a women’s minor view, which was seen as beneficial to the man and women, as in both instances they would be benefiting (women through marrying up, men through selling textiles that women created).
Then it was off to Global Studies.  Global Studies was AWESOME today—Dean David came out and talked about a brief history of the current politics of Spain, which was so filled with action after Franco’s death.  I never knew about February 23, 1981!  For those that don’t know, it was a terrorist act during the time after Franco’s death, when people were unsure of whether it would still be one man with all the power, like Franco, or if it would move towards a democracy.  On Feb 23, men stormed the parliament building in Madrid while the entire parliament is in session, with guns and grenades, and give radio speeches that they know that there will be a continuation of the Franco system, because they know the king, Juan Carlos, is on their side, as he’s the head of the military and would benefit.   But instead, King Juan Carlos defends democracy on television while they’re there, saying scathingly for them to go away and that their coup is over.  Juan Carlos saves democracy, basically.  He was a total badass.  Because my Women In High Courts homework is to keep a journal of how the countries we go to view their monarchy/government, I'll have a pretty good idea that Spaniards will be pretty happy with him.  :)  It was an extremely exciting history lesson, lol.  Despite how exhausted I was, I was really into it. 
We also learned more about Morocco as well—and exciting news!  We’re coming into Morocco a half day earlier than we thought that we would.  The SOS Children’s Village service visit I signed up for was cancelled, but because we were early they made another one on that day!  So I’m really excited for that and to be able to give out Beanies.  :)
Also, thanks for everyone for telling me to keep my nose out of trouble in Morocco.  I just fear for peoples’ safety (especially the women) if they’re not aware that that’s the culture.  =/  And on a random note, there is a girl here who looks exactly like Sarah Barr who is a Dodgers fan.  I keep being like SARAH!! :D :D :D …..oh wait.  I miss my Chapman homies, basically.  AND my SR posse.  And my fam.  :P
Anyway, I was so tired I decided to go take a nap for a while in my room.  I set my alarm for an hour—I was exhausted but didn’t want to sleep too long.  I had an intense lucid dream where I knew I was dreaming and kept trying to wake up, but would wake up in another dream (it doesn’t sound scary, but it was actually pretty terrifying).  I remember Winston had told me that you can’t see yourself if you look into a mirror in your dream, so I did, and it looked like a weird, distorted image of me with my eyes all bugged strangely (like those settings on that Apple photo program).  It was creepy as hell so when I woke up I decided I wanted a little more sleep, as I was NOT refreshed by that, so I did—and forgot to set my alarm.  I ended up crashing for 3 more hours—guess my sleep schedule is screwed up yet again.  I woke up really panicked, and immediately set about trying to read up in the Piano Lounge (I just know that’s going to be my study spot), though today it was really loud and today Julie, Jared, and Lorelei found me and were talking around me, so I couldn’t really concentrate.  It wasn’t until after dinner that I finally “escaped” to my room so I could read on my own.
After reading what I now realized was the wrong chapter in my Social Problems book (I read Chapter 2 instead of 15, though luckily Chapter 2 is due when we come back from Spain, so I’ll be fine), I analyzed my poems for tomorrow and sat down to read Hot, Flat and Crowded.  For all of you out there—GO GET THIS BOOK.  Get the second edition—it’s an amazing book by NY Times writer Thomas Friedman who talks about globalization, climate change, overpopulation and depletion of resources, and it’s the most interesting book I’ve ever read on the subject.  I highly recommend it—mom and dad at least, you guys should pick it up. 
After hours of studying with my roommate, we decided to go out on the observation deck to get some fresh air—surprisingly, even at one in the morning there were lots of people out there.  I met a guy named Mike who majors in social work and also loves dubstep!  So we got along quite well and introduced Ellie to the dubstep genre.  We even agreed that we should definitely get together and swap music sometime (he hasn’t heard the Bloody Beetroots!), so I hope that actually happens, haha. 
It was incredibly windy, but we couldn’t see the stars tonight.  :(
I’m working really hard to do my work promptly—I’m really trying to take advantage of everything I can about Semester at Sea.   I’m trying to not mess around at all and put stuff off, because I’m sick of just procrastinating and being lazy.  Last semester was fun, but I didn’t accomplish what I wanted to do academically, and I’m trying to do that here.  I guess it’s a little easier to do when it’s so easy to stay up late—you don’t get tired until three in the morning anyway. 
I know there isn’t much going on in this entry, but it’s 0315 again and I didn’t get the time to blog that I wanted.  :)  Thanks for reading though, the comments mean so much to me! 

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